Monday, November 30, 2015

Death of journalism in India

     The delicate part of the profession is to take no sides and report the matter to the public and let them decide. The sides people take should not be based on your influence. As we have seen, journalism has been taken to a whole new level by journalists in india. Swaying like a dandelion. Flipping sides. Making the best possible efforts to make people eat what they decide to serve. It hurts when people do things as they indirectly command.
     When the journalism is screwed, in an effort to set things right people has taken it into their own hands. We see lot of stories and scandals posted on social media. Most cases it is just one side of the story. Biased to the emotions of the content owner. That's why journalism is a profession. Normal people can't be neutral when they are emotionally disturbed. Not everyone is smart to understand that there are more sides to the story. People share, like and comment and there goes India's journalism. I don't have to tell you how powerful this is. As they say with great power comes great responsibility.
     There was a time when journalists were looked upon with utmost respect. Then there was a time when at least the word journalism was looked upon with respect. Now journalism is having a tough time in the hands of common people trying to register their feelings and make the whole world to only feel what they felt. 
Out of care for the nation I request all of us to please remember this before you express your emotion. There is always an other side for any story.