Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New year doesn't bring anything.

I am really feeling sick of hearing these words time and again. 'May this year bring you happiness and good fortune'.
     Is it true?? When a new year comes does it change anything?? Every time I hoped so only to end up in despair. Nothing changes. Dreams are still dreams. Wish list is still the same in length. But what made these people think a mere change in date (that normally takes a month to get used to) could bring around a change in your life.
     After spending a while in wondering I decided not to believe in this. It is we who play the sole role of being the architect in changing just about anything in our lives. Nothing in life changes unless we take an effort. No fortunes. No magic. We are everything.
     No more "may this year bring you all that you wanted in your life". Instead I am hoping that you all take that much needed efforts (that was lacking often) in elevating your life  and turning this year into a very successful and a memorable one.