Sub Urban trains in chennai, the place where u will find all kinds of beggars. Within a 10 minute travel u are assured to see atleast one of them. Where else in this world you would see a monkey do this!!
Before giving money to them i used to think "what if this small coins that i give satisfy them and they remain beggars all throughout". So more often i decide not to encourage them. Well, we all know pain killers doesn't cure anything. Antibiotics do.
It would be hard to blame them for their pathetic condition. There should be a wayout for them. For a goverment that spends crores for welcoming the prime minister from neighbouring country this shouldn't be a big deal. To start camps, where these people could be brought to, made to work, provided with food. Can't just say it is goverment's duty and then shift our focus. May be our goverment is too busy welcoming visitors, justifying their crimes. So here falls a duty on us to remind our goverment about what they are here for. Serve People...